High Performance WiFi Modules Connect to Router

In this application, you can connect high performance module to your router with DHCP(get the IP address automatically) or Static IP address.
1. Close your windows firewall and disable your Ethernet network.

2. Connect the 5V adapter, antenna and the serial cable to the modules.
WiFi Modules Connect to Router

3. Connect to the module’s access point.
WiFi Modules Connect to Router

4. Open your browser, type in module’s IP address (default, username and password either is admin.
WiFi Modules Connect to Router

5. Configure module connect to router. My router is USR_CN_WM, you should connect to your router. Choose the STA mode, search and choose the AP’s SSID, choose the Security Mode and Encryption Type, type in your router’s password. Click apply and restart the module.
WiFi Modules Connect to Router

6. Connect your all modules to your router in same way, then you can connect your PC to router and use the WIFI232-SETUP software to search the module. We can get module’s information, click open to open the webpage of the module.The module get a new IP address from router. Wifi modules in DHCP mode in default setting.
WiFi Modules Connect to Router

7. The username and password either is admin. If you want to change the DHCP to static IP address. You can configure static IP address in STA Interface Setting. Please ensure there is no IP address conflict. The new IP address must in your router’s network. After you configure it, you should apply and restart the module.
WiFi Modules Connect to Router
router Figure 8

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