【What is the product model?】: Industrial-grade and low-power BLE module USR-BLE 100 & USR-BLE102 V1.1
【What's the firmware version?(You can get firmware version from AT command AT+VER or settings webpage)】:
USR-BLE102 V1.1
【How do you connect and configure the USR device?】:
Android App
【What's your application? What do you want to realize?】:
We have developed Android app for USR-BLE100 and it is working fine. Now we are using USR-BLE102 device with same android app, but we are not able to read/receive any data from this device. Write feature is working fine.
Is there any change in communication of BLE100 & BLE102 with android app?
Could you please provide us sample android code for BLE102 ?
Please click the url to download the Bluetooth debugging assistant source code.