There are two way, detail explantation as below: (Module only suitable for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C)
1. PC (Mobile) –>WIFI–>Module–>Lan cable–>Router
Module as AP mode, Ethernet port set as WAN port.
Chart as below:
PC (Mobile) –>Lan cable–>Module–>WIFI–>Router
Module as STA mode, Ethernet port set as LAN port.
2. Through AT command set it. Detail AT command as below:
AT+FEPHY=on/off: Query/set default use Ethernet port or not (on or off)
AT+FVEW=enable/disable, enable: Ethernet port as WAN port, disable(default) Ethernet port as LAN port.
When finished, please do AT+RELD for restore setting.
Notice: AT+RELD different with power off and restore, use these two command must use AT+RELD command.
Module can through webpage to set as AP or STA mode and other setting.