Ethernet module USR-K7
I plan to use USR-K7 model for converting serial data to Ethernet.
I have to know the delay time.
You can set the data packing time with the AT command.
The default packing time is 0.
Function: set / query user custom packaging mechanism
Query instruction format:
AT+ UARTTL1<CR><CR><LF>+OK=<time,length><CR><LF>
Set the instruction format:
AT+ UARTTL1=<time,length> <CR><CR><LF>+OK<CR><LF>
Time: byte interval: 0 ms ~ 255 ms; N according to the performance settings of each platform.
Length: The maximum length of the packet is 1~1460 bytes. When the received data byte interval has not expired and the received packet length reaches the maximum length, it is packaged and sent.
Example: AT+UARTTL1=25,100
If for example the packing time is 0 and I send 20 bytes by TTL UART, what will be the delay time until it will be sent threw UDP?
The delay time is 1ms.