Ultra-fast signal synchronization
facilitates fast networking

USR-FQ610 leverages synchronization and signal processing tech to swiftly establish communication and dynamic network topologies. Wireless ad hoc network enables seamless mobility usage at any speed and direction, supporting network applications with a capacaity for up to 1000 devices.

Comparison Table

Basic Function

USR-FQ610 converts communication data from wired devices such as serial and Ethernet ports into swarm network signals for remote transmission, enabling data communication between wired devices.

Physical layer trunk AD hoc network
with free access of nodes

USR-FQ610 automatically trunks the network based on the physical layer information, reducing the burden on the application layer. The exit or joining of any node does not affect the entire network communication.

Multi-Hop and Mesh Networks
Expand Network Area

USR-FQ610 can support 16-hop uncentered AD hoc networking, extending the communication distance by 16 times, and can also be AD hoc without a dedicated repeater or base station.

Data Encryption, More Security

Users can encrypt the data transmitted in swarm networks to make the data transmission safer. Keys can be set by users, and only devices with the same key can transmit data.

Product Details

Packing List

Complex Environmental Communication

Factors such as limited resources and complex building structures restrict large buildings, multi-story basements, tunnels, and mines. Ground signals cannot be directly transmitted underground. The swarm mesh (ad hoc) network technology automatically relays wireless networking through portable terminals and introduces signals downward through multi-hop forwarding to quickly achieve ground and underground interoperability.